About Us

Step into the vibrant world of Curious Kids Sensory! I'm absolutely thrilled to have you join us on this exciting journey through sensory exploration. Whether you're a seasoned sensory adventurer or just dipping your toes into the colourful world of sensory play I am here for you!  I'm Jazz, the proud mumma behind this delightful venture.

With three little explorers of my own—Henry, Cooper, and Darcie—I've seen firsthand the magic and wonder that sensory play brings to family bonding. It's this passion and experience that inspired me to create Curious Kids Sensory, where I share the joy, knowledge, and resources to make sensory play a breeze for families like yours.

Now, I know what you might be thinking—sensory play sounds like a messy affair. But fear not! With our carefully curated range of products, we've taken the hassle out of setup and cleanup, so you can focus on the fun and connection with your little adventurers.

Crafted with love and care, each item is handmade by yours truly, using only the safest, food-grade ingredients and natural, non-toxic materials. So go ahead, let your little ones explore with confidence, knowing that their safety is our top priority.

Catch us at the Toowoomba farmers market every second Saturday, where we bring our vibrant creations to life, and for a sneak peek into our sensory wonderland, follow us on Instagram, where you'll see our products in action and be inspired by the endless possibilities of sensory play.

Don't forget to share your own sensory adventures with us! Tag us on Instagram or shoot us an email—we'd love to hear from you.

So come on in, explore, and let your curiosity run wild with Curious Kids Sensory!